A Celebration Of All That Is Green...Or #18

This past weekend was Saint Patrick’s Day…which is weird for us in DDS because, for the past several years, we’ve been playing Parade Day the week beforehand…making it feel as if we have two St. Patty’s Days a year.  This was great when we were all young but, as time marches on (yes, Scott and I are leading that march) and we all get a little longer in the tooth, it becomes increasingly more difficult to handle (and recover from) such reckless alcoholic consumption.  For example, I heard a rumor that Paul was awakened in the wee hours of Sunday morning by, what he was convinced was, a leprechaun standing next to a huge pot of gold at the end of a rainbow…as it turns out, it was just Ducky trying to revive him after he passed out on the street under a gay-pride flag next to an old yellow Pontiac Bonneville up on blocks – but you didn’t hear that from me.  Did this really happen?  Probably not…or probably it did – who the hell knows?  I lost track of those two drunkards before my guitars were even in their cases after the show on Saturday!!  But since I, myself, (improper grammar intended) didn’t start to feel right again until Monday…who am I to cast aspersions?  Anyway, fresh off of St. Patrick’s Day, we enter into St. Peyton’s Day!!  Yes sports fans, Payton Manning has made a decision and signed with the Denver Broncos.  I’m not sure if the top brass in Denver discussed this with Jesus first, seeing as though this most certainly puts an end to Timmy T’s time in the Mile High City, but what’s done is done…after all, you can’t un-ring a bell right? – or, for you NRA folks…un-pull a trigger?  It’s actually gonna be fun to see where Tebow ends up in the next couple days though…and I’m still gonna root for him…unless he ends up in the NFC East (other than with the Eagles) – then he’s dead to me.

