Justin - Guitar
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Fun Facts
  • Loves cars
  • Loves animals
  • Loves sports
  • Loves music
  • Loves beer

Born and raised in and around Philadelphia, I still call the area home.  I graduated from Abington High School and West Virginia University…more years ago now than I care to even think about.  My natural talent was always for sports not music…so naturally, I became a musician.  I guess, looking back, it’s clear to me that injuries and bad luck turned me into an underachiever in sports, while persistence and hard work turned me into an overachiever in music–and now the rest of you get to suffer for it  :o)   After forgoing my last year of athletic eligibility at WVU due to a nagging knee injury, I took my degree, went home, and started looking for a rock band to join.  I toiled around the scene for a long time in different original and cover bands (some good…some not so much), often supplementing my income with various part-time or full-time day-jobs, before February 2002 when a group of odd lookin’ fellas in wigs, weird hats, and boas took me in–oh, and I also joined Drop Dead Sexy  :o)  Many years, many miles, and many songs have passed…some of the faces have even changed…but, I’m still here.  And let me tell ya, getting paid to do something you’d do for free anyway is not a bad way to make a living…not bad at all.